Missed rubbish or garden waste collection
Please report a missed collection after 3pm on your collection day...
Missed clear sack delivery
Tell us if you have not received a delivery of clear sacks in over six months...
Abandoned vehicles
Report an untaxed or abandoned vehicle or check if a vehicle is taxed or declared SORN...
Report incidents of fly tipping on our land and on the highway and the people responsible...
Noise and other nuisance
How to resolve and report problems associated with light and other nuisance...
Parking enforcement requests
We can provide responsive parking enforcement to deal with one-off and persistent parking problems...
Road, highway and pavement problems (KCC)
Report problems with street lights, pot holes and other highway matters to Kent County Council...
Report a rough sleeper
If you spot a rough sleeper in Sevenoaks District, please let us know so can offer them help and support...