Reduce your business rates | Sevenoaks District Council

Reduce your business rates

Small business rate relief

As a small business you may be eligible for up to a 100% reduction...

Mandatory rate relief for charities

Qualifying charities can claim for a reduction in their business rates...

Mandatory rate relief for sports clubs

If your club has Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) status you can claim a reduction in your business rates...

Mandatory rural rate relief

Eligible properties could receive 50% mandatory relief...

Discretionary rate relief

We can award up to 100% relief at our discretion in some circumstances...

Part-occupied rate relief (S44A relief)

We have discretion to provide relief on part-occupied properties...

Hardship rate relief

Up to 100% relief from business rates can be awarded to ratepayers who are experiencing hardship...

Exemption for unoccupied properties

In some circumstances an unoccupied property may be exempt from business rates...

Supporting Small Business Relief

Support for small businesses that no longer receive Small Business Rate Relief or Rural Rate Relief...

Relief for local newspapers

Properties occupied by a local newspaper may be eligible for this relief...

Retail, hospitality and leisure relief

Occupied Retail, Hospitality and Leisure properties may qualify for this relief.