Published: Tuesday, 25th July 2017
Opportunity for residents and businesses to have their say on new car park plans
In response to the urgent need for more parking space in Sevenoaks town centre, Sevenoaks District Council is urging local residents and business to view and comment on the planning application for a new, partially submerged, four-level car park on Buckhurst Lane.
The planning application for the car park and 10 town houses has now been submitted and residents and businesses have the opportunity to have their say on the plans by visiting the Council website or writing to the Council. The planning application can be viewed at – – or alternatively via a computer at the Council Offices, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks.
Comments can also be made online or by writing to the Council at: Development Management, Sevenoaks District Council, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1HG or by e-mailing
All comments must include a name, address and the planning application reference - 17/02149/FUL – and are treated as a public document that can be made generally available. The deadline for comments is Sunday 20 August 2017.
If planning permission is successful, construction could begin in January 2018.
The proposals include the construction of a multi-level car park at the existing Buckhurst 2 car park site in the town centre, adding around 200 additional long stay spaces. The new car park will help residents and local businesses by:
- Providing spaces for the significant number of people currently on the waiting list for season ticket parking in the town centre,
- Easing congestion, reducing the number of motorists driving around town in search of spaces,
- Freeing up parking in short stay car parks and residential streets,
- Supporting the continued economic success of the town.
The proposal also includes plans to use excess soil from the site to landscape and improve the adjacent Environmental Park, which will also help to reduce traffic during construction.
Commenting on the planning application, Cllr Peter Fleming, Sevenoaks District Council Leader, says: “Businesses and residents have been very responsive to the public events we ran in June setting out the proposals for the new Buckhurst 2 car park. What we’re hearing again and again from those living and working in Sevenoaks is the very real need for extra long stay car parking in the town centre.
“This is absolutely critical for local businesses with many companies struggling to attract and retain employees, which is having a significant impact on their operations. By creating more space with the Buckhurst 2 car park proposal we will be alleviating this issue and creating a positive environment in which the town can continue to thrive. Now the planning application has been received, it is vital for local residents and business-owners to comment and share their views and we encourage everyone to have their say.”
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