Warm Spaces - Edenbridge Town Council | Sevenoaks District Council

Warm Spaces - Edenbridge Town Council

Doggetts Barn, 72a High Street, Edenbridge
Nearest rail station or bus stop
Nearest Train - Edenbridge Town
Bus routes to High Street - number E1, GoBus, 233 and 231
Car parking
Telephone number
01732 865368
Email address
Contact name for any queries
Caroline Leet
Days and times the Warm Space is available
Mondays 10am to 12noon
What people can expect when they visit
Games Club - warm space to meet new people, enjoy a chat and cuppa, play board games, card games, puzzles and more. The Club is for people 55 and over and offers a safe place to reconnect with people, play games and make new friends.
Facilities available
Accessible entrance
Free wi-fi
Free hot drinks, cordial and biscuits
Accessible disabled toilets
Range of games and puzzles
Advice, information or guidance