We are asking for comments on proposed changes to our planning validation requirements.
Background to the consultation
When you submit a planning application, you must provide supporting information. This information will depend on the type, location and complexity of your proposal.
We adopted our current validation requirements in March 2017. Since then, there has been changes to planning legislation, policy and guidance. We are also required to review our local list validation requirements.
Proposed changes to our planning validation requirements
The main changes are:
Clearer requirements with updated references to the latest legislation and guidance
Additional local requirements to provide sufficient information to make informed planning decisions
- Revised formatting and layout
View our proposed planning validation lists
- 1. Application for Householder Planning Permission Validation Checklist
- 2. Application for Planning Permission Validation Checklist
- 3. Application for Reserved Matters Validations Checklist
- 4. Application for Outline and Hybrid Planning Permission Validation Checklist
- 5. Application for Lawful Development Certificate (Existing) Validation Checklist
- 6. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) Validation Checklist
- 7. Application for Advertisement Planning Consent Validation Checklist
- 8. Application for Listed Building Consent Validation Checklist
- 9. Application for removal or variation of a condition following granting of a Planning Permission Validation Checklist
- 10. Application for Tree Works Validation Checklist
Have your say
This consultation is open from Friday 26 July until midnight on Sunday 8 September 2024.
All comments must be in writing. Please quote the relevant list title, section headings and/or page number with your comments.
Please send your comments to:
By email: planning.validation@sevenoaks.gov.uk
By post: Planning Validation, Sevenoaks District Council, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1HG.
Information you provide will be treated according to our privacy policy. We will not publish the personal information of those who have responded to this consultation.
We will consider all the comments and assess if we need to make amendments. The adopted lists will form the basis on which planning application are deemed valid.